SOC by laws

ARTICLE I – All about the Organization

Section 1 – The name of the organization shall be SAGOY OUTDOOR CLUB and shall herein be referred to as “The FRU Mountaineers” short for frustrated mountaineers.  See history in seperate page of SOC blogspot.
Section 2 – All about SAGOY
Sagoy Outdoor Club is a non profit mountaineering organization  and a cebu based outdoor oriented club with strong environmental drive and service. The Sagoy Outdoor Club supports self propelled all season activities including general mountaineering, trail running, beachyneering and biking.
Sagoy isn’t all about fun; it also conducts humanitarian and charity service.
Section 3 – The official founding date of the organization is April 22, 2010.
Section 4 – The official logo of the organization shall be adapted in the year 2012.
                   a) The monkey represents a newbie mountaineer
                   b) Letter TC at the back of the backpack of the monkey means taga TC
                   c) The emperador bottle at the side of the backpack means friendship.
Section 5 – The permanent headquarters of the SOC is Cebu City.

ARTICLE II – Objectives
1.        To promote camaderie and friendship among its members
2.        To promote enjoying one’s love for mountaineering, the environment and other related activities.
3.        To provide public service in all matters through friendship and humanitarian climbs.
4.        To promote the different climbing spots that we administer through social Medias and publication.
5.        To cultivate good relationship and respect amongst the people living in the area where we conduct our climbing activities.
6.        To encourage the development of proper outdoor skills.
7.        To become a responsible mountaineer at all cost.

ARTICLE III – Membership

Section 1 – There are two types of membership in order to be a part of the organization SOC.
1.     Regular membership for Men and Women
a)   Cebu based and 
b)     With a residency of 5 years and above.
c)     Must have a Celebrity look a like [local and abroad].
d)     Referred to by at least 1-2 regular or SOC officers.
e)     Participates monthly activities for probationary.
f)      Participates in at least two organizational activities.

2.     Honorary Membership
a)     Graduate or undergraduate to any school / university
b)     Referred to by at least 2-3 regular members.
c)     Participates in at least two (2) organizational activities.
d)     Must have a celebrity look a like.

Section 2 – Eligibility
1.     Age Requirements
·        Qualified applicants must be at least 21 years of age male and female
2.     Undergone the probationary period.
·        Must join two climbs with the SOC [minor or major] for the final acceptance.
3.     Physically and morally fit and have the capacity to climb.
4.     Applicant is expected to be good in physical health conditions.
5.     Been screened by the Order of Sagoy committee and and referred by one or two or three (it depends where you belong as members) of its regular member.
6.     Application FEES
·        Dedicated and passionate
7.     Initiation rites – dance showdown

Section 3 – As of March 22, 2013 all section 1 and  2 of Articke III are strictly followed by the Order of Sagoy Committee starting this date.
Section 4 – All applicants will provide their own equipment and gears.
Section 5 – Termination of the member
·        The Order of Sagoy may terminate membership of a member after formal investigation is found to be a threat to the Body of Organization and offence of breach of TRUST.
·        Violation of by laws of SOC will give warning by the OSC (Order of Sagoy Committee)  thru:
1.     First is Verbal
2.     Second is Warning or called the last warning
3.     Lastly Termination
·        All terminated members are not called legitimate member nor called the prestigious  fru mountaineers.

Section 6 – SOC wouldn't be held responsible if something happens to a member during climbing activities. Any member who would join any of SOC's climbing activity must sign a waiver that he is aware of the risks and accounts full responsibility of oneself.

Section 7 – No regular or member of the Order of Sagoy shall have exclusive rights to, or responsibility for its assets or committal.

ARTICLE IV – Duties and Rights of the members and the  Officers

Section 1 – Duties of Order of Sagoy [ the executive committee ]
1.     President [ Permirong Tigdumala sa mga Unggoy ]
a)     To represent as the official representative in SOC in the organizational responsibilities and activities in the mountaineering and other public matters and overall directions.
b)     Presides and conducts in all meetings.
c)     Leading, guiding and evaluating the works of other officers.
d)     Initiates strategic plan for the future of the organization.
e)     TO manage the appointment of Order of Sagoy for coordinators
f)      Evaluating the success of the organization.

2.     Vice President [ Ikaduhang Unggoy ]
a)     The second in command of overall organization officers.
b)     Assist the president in any and all matters
c)     Leads hold leadership roles with all of the strategic goals of the organization.
d)     Managing and evaluating towards membership recruitement.
e)     Implements and execute monthly or annual climbs.

3.     Secretary [ Kuyaw na Unggoy ]
a)     In charge of keeping membership roles and maintain the database for the members.
b)     To record the minutes of the meeting or any itinerary .
c)     Maintain a file of all documents inside the club.

4.     Treasurer [ Unggoy sa mga Unggoy ]
a)     Manage the funds/payments of all resources of the club.
b)     Submit funds and annual financial reports to the OSC.
c)     Initiates plan for fund raising etc.
5.     Coordinator
a)     Assist all team for any organizational activities and other gatherings for the goodness of SOC.

6.     Spokesman [Tig Pama- ba]
a)     The voice of the organization/club in behalf of the group.

7.     Model
a)     The model of the club is IMPEACHABLE and no other than  Master POPO for life.

Section 2 – Duties and rights of the members
1.     Regular members
a)     The right to be happy in the group
b)     Participate in all organizational activities and gatherings.
c)     The right to vote and elect for the election.
d)     Can nominated in any elective post
e)     Uphold the organization objectives and mission.
f)      Have the rights to be called the fru mountaineers.

2.     Probationary / Honorary members
a)     The right to enjoy and be happier in the club.
b)     Honorary members are not allowed to nominate as officers.
c)     The right to vote in the election.
d)     Attend and participate in all organizational activities, meetings and gatherings.
e)     Uphold the organizational ideals, rules and objectives.
f)      Have the right to be called the fru mountaineers.

ARTICLE V – Election of Order of Sagoy Officers

Section 1 – All regular members are eligible to become an officer as follows.
1.     Active for the past organizational gatherings.
2.     All eligible applicants must be a member since the article III, section 3 amended.
3.     Prior for the newest member he/she must be endorsed by the OSC.
4.     Potential to become a leader.
5.     Have time and love with the family.
6.     A member will nominate only unique and more handsome/beautiful member for different position.

Section 2 – Method of election.
1.     Order of Sagoy Executive officers shall be elected by a majority vote fairly.
·        And if tied should be another vote taken
·        If still tie a showdown is awarded between the candidates [dance sing etc]
2.     The nominated members cannot vote for their self.
3.     A member can only vote once.
4.     The nominee who won for the highest post will not contest for the next nominated post.
5.     The nominee who losses out in first post can still be nominated in other post.
6.     Honorary members can vote
7.     Prior for the next election after electing it will elect the  new set of officers after 3 years of service.

ARTICLE VI – Meetings and Gatherings

Section 1 – Meeting for upcoming activity
a)     Assigned jobs during the pre climb meeting
a.      Team Leader
b.     Sir Chief Cook
c.      Time Keeper
d.     Tail / Sweeper
e.      Collector
b)     During the meeting, all confirmed members in the climb must pay for the group fees as advance payment [ ie. Guide fee, miscellaneous and transportation fees etc ] applies in all minor and major climb
c)     No KJ, no looser in every  gatherings.
d)     For any important gatherings [ Christmas, anniversary etc ]
a.      All members of the club are allowed join.

ARTICLE VII – Charity Works and Service
Section 1 – All humanitarian and charity works are planned and studied by the Order of Sagoy  committee. 
Section 2 – The official name of Annual Outreach is AGOY short for Abag Sagoy Project.
            a. AGOY is the Humanitarian/Charity department of Sagoy Outdoor Club founded in year 2014.
            b. The project also aims to remain as the venue for its members to get together  if ever there comes  a time of in activity due to circumstances that would render outdoor activities difficult.
            c. AGOY will search 3
Section 3 - The event will take place every december of the year
Section 4 - The beneficiary of the event are remote Mountainous schools in the region preferably cebu province.
Section 5 - Members should administer and participate charity works.

ARTICLE VIII – Amendments of by laws

Section 1 – Any Executive members may propose to amend the laws of the organization.
Section 2 – Special and Annual meeting shall be provided if the proposed amendment is announced.
Section 3 – For approval of the resolution it will require at least 70 percent of the vote of the order of sagoy executives.
Section 4 – Any amended laws must be respected among its members.
Section 5 – Accepted resolutions shall be specified the date, the name and the votes garnered.

EDITED: March 24, 2013

Amended: November 16, 2018
Membership status
Article 3 Section 1 Membership
Present: Aldrin Metoy Plotacs Isko Jagwar Daya Roxane.
At Mcdo ayala

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